A review by freckled_frog_boi
Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World by David Vine



With the timing of the news release about the sexual assault and kidnapping of a civilian minor by a marine in California, there was perhaps no more impactful time to be finishing this book. Truly, this book covers everything: 

historical colonization and it's ties to bases, Neo-colonialization and it's ties to bases, how base architecture is built specifically to maintain nationalism, how living on base is living in a 'total institution' where you are watched 24/7 and have to continue routines that uphold the views of a powerful America, the culture of base-living, creation of coups in other countries just to keep bases located there, lies to maintain reasons to stay abroad, lies that allow the military to build bases if only in form and not in name, the labor of women in upholding the system and being victims of the system, the military's history of sexual assault,  the dark and closely knit base ties to human trafficking, racism towards those who work to maintain the base operations, racism towards the countries in which the bases are located, base protests and the violent force used to subdue them, the many environmental hazards and climate irresponsibility the military shows - ruining the health of their own soldiers as well as entire islands and their citizens, their good connections with mobs and dictators, how military base contracting works and how the military has been monopolized by a lot of large corporations, how the pentagon has underrepresented military spending by hundreds of billions of dollars, --- and much more that I'm missing at the moment.

Such an impactful book, highly recommend, but definitely check trigger warnings because it almost gets overwhelming if you are trying to read multiple chapters in a row. Everything is so horrifying. 

And for any military kids out there, babe you're gonna feel really seen with this, the book got the experience of living on base down to an art. You're gonna feel like all the stories and rules you heard about growing up on base start to make a lot more sense. You might have some stuff to bring up to a therapist, if I'm being totally honest. 

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