A review by quolwy
The Unbroken by C.L. Clark


Here's the thing, I think I'm going to be in quite the minority rating it so low.

The story was well written and compelling-- for some people. Unfortunately, when I pick up a fantasy, I prefer there to be a lot more magic and fantastical things happening, and because I also never found a point where I connected with any of the characters, I found it hard to care about what was happening to them past the 50% point. I found the plot to be dragging, and lingering on things that I personally didn't care about, and struggled to push myself to finish this because of that.

HOWEVER, like I said, I think if you like military strategy based books, with little to no magic in them, I think this book could be great for you!
I'm just disappointed to say it didn't work for me.

Thank you to Orbit, and Netgalley for gifting me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review!