A review by izziede
Sweetheart by Sarah Mayberry


Okay so at first I was going to try this but 'It had been two years since he and my older sister, Jessica, had broken up, and three years since they’d left Vermont to move down to New York together. He probably wouldn’t even recognize me.
And it’s not like he’d ever known I’d had a crush on him. I had been very, very careful not to reveal my interest to anyone.'

I'm not keen on a Hero or heroine seeing an ex of a sibling but this was really good.

The ex is an issue but more because she's a huge drama queen with issues so they are not looking forward to the fallout.

No intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine except a vague scene recalled, details below.

Dual POV.

Pushing away at first from the Hero as he has had huge mysterious issues over the breakup so he's reluctant to get involved with the family again.

The heroine remembers the Hero coming to their parents house for meals a couple times, he doesn't remember her so he is with her sister when they first meet.

Regarding his time with the ex
'The twelve months we’d lived together in New York would forever be branded on my psyche as the worst of my life. She’d pushed me to the breaking point and beyond—and I’d stayed because I’d felt absurdly responsible for her happiness and because she’d gaslit me into believing all our problems were my fault.'
The ex is a piece of work, she has mental illness but it's really hard on those close to her, esp her sister.

Details of intimacy with the ex?
'She’d dazzled me from the moment I’d seen her across a bar in Burlington. She’d easily been the most beautiful girl in the room with her long, wavy blond hair and perfect features. And her body... She’d been every Sports Illustrated cover come to life in a tiny minidress that molded her incredible figure. I’d pinched myself when she’d started paying attention to me, and when she took me outside and insisted I **** her against the wall in the alley, I’d been so turned on I’d done it, even though I’d been waiting for someone to bust us the whole time. I’d soon learned that Jess got off on that kind of excitement, and I’d told myself she was passionate and bold and had gotten sucked all the way in.'

I did feel the end was resolved a bit quickly, the sister getting therapy etc and doing better, it was summarised so maybe that's why.
I'm not sure it would be so permanently resolved, to me it seemed like it would be something they would all have to live with.
I think the issue was the parents attitude changed so they were all behind her getting help.

Epilogue 6 months later.