A review by bugabusu
The Fractal Murders by Mark Cohen


This book was an amazing surprise. I was at the used book store trying to find something I'd enjoy reading that was also a paperback as I was headed for 30 plus days of travel and need lightweight books (no room for any tech but my phone and there ain't no way this girl is reading on that thing). I picked this one up, put it down, and ultimately bought. Boy am I glad. I have always been a logical thinker and even though I try to suppress it I have always love math so the thought of math being involved in a fictional murder mystery got me all excited. Add to it the setting, Colorado and I was completely in. If you're one of those science-y/math people who watch fictional movies and pick it apart this book probably isn't for you. If you're one of those math-y people who just enjoy your topic being covered in fiction pick this book up! It's a good murder story. It's funny. There's even a romance in that film noir detective style. And best of all it has Buck and Wheat, two very cute, lovable dogs. I was super surprised and super happy that I got this and read it. And you will be too!