A review by kaitrates
Swift and Saddled by Lyla Sage


โ€œI was more than happy to be an accessory for her greatness.โ€

Whew I went on a journey with this book y'all! I loved it hated it then loved it again. So, let's break it down.

What I Loved

Wes. This man was down so bad and I loved how he saw Ada and loved Ada and didn't let her just lean into her trauma but showed up time and time again to help her brain-body realise that this relationship was different. It was safe.

Also, I felt like he was a good embodiment of non-toxic masculinity with his gentleness and his sweetness and also his cow hotness. Honestly, he reminded me of Hugh Jackman (specifically in australia for yk obvious reasons)...then again, so does everything lately. ๐Ÿ˜

The mirror scene. OKKKKKKKKKK. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

The resolution. I LOVED that their HFN started with long distance, with neither of them giving up their dreams for love. GAH.

The setting was dreamy AF.

The friendships.I felt so seen in Ada struggling to make friends. Like girllll I get you! I felt like she was somewhat autistic coded but it definitely wasn't committed rep. And I loved seeing start to let people in and let herself be loved. ๐Ÿฅน 

"And thatโ€™s how it went for the next couple of hours. We traded stories and anecdotes, and I carefully added new pieces of Wes to my growing collection of things about him that I was holding close to my heart."

What I Disliked

The lack of depth. The book touched on some really important topics (e.g. depression, arousal nonconcordance, abusive relationships) but didn't dig into them. And sure, not every book has to, but I found myself wanting more from this story and, ultimately, feeling a bit disappointed.

The lack of lube use and sexy times with a soft peen. Listen this is such a sex educator thing to say but if you mention MULTIPLE times that they both struggle with physical arousal of their bits, I do not want a magic peen-adjacent solution!!!! I want them to have hot hot sex anyways but in a creative way! Use lube! Give us prostate play!

I hate when books perpetuate this idea that if you're just with the right person or they do the right things, all your sex issues will be resolved. This is not how the brain-body works okay?! I was so excited to see the characters talk about these struggles and then so let down when the answer wasn't even an abundance of foreplay (seriously the first time they have sex and she remarks how well things are going I was like, "that's it?!"

ANYWAY *steps off soap box*

Insta-lust. Although it wasn't the worst it could be.

The T Swift references.Listen I know she's everywhere in contemporary romance but JFC there are reasons OTHER than misogyny for why people don't like her. This scene would've been so much more meaningful if it had just been the girls screaming and didn't come with a side of cult messaging. 

All in All

This was a very fluffy candy-like which attempted to include some deeper themes but I don't think exactly nailed that. It was cute and hot and also frustrating AF at times. 

I'm game to try some of her other books the next time I need a proper palate cleanser.

CNs: depression, past abusive relationship
Sex tags: oral sex, hand sex, makeout, PIV

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