A review by reader44ever
Celebrating Washington State: 50 States to Celebrate by Marion Dane Bauer


I really enjoyed this book. It made me tear up a bit because I miss WA so, so much. I hope to move back soon.

Most of the information I read was accompanied by a mental "yep." I can't recall reading anything that was new to me. But it was very nice to be reacquainted with my home state.

One thing, though: I thought more could have been said about eastern Washington. Most of the pages were about western Washington. Surely Steptoe Butte was worth a mention? The Palouse? The Gorge? None of these geographic features were mentioned. :-(

But overall I found this to be an excellent depiction of the state I love above all others. I plan to gift this book to my nieces so that they can learn about the state their Daddy was stationed in when he was in the Army, and the state their Auntie Jenni calls home (despite the fact that Auntie Jenni currently lives in Arizona).