A review by heabooknerd
Dare to Resist by Laura Kaye


I love Laura Kaye, which is why I bought this book and as usual, she did not disappoint. I loved the banter and teasing between Kady and Colton and even though they have a history with their encounter 3 years prior, they are still friends and it’s natural between them. They were both secretly attracted to each other but they still acted like mature adults.

I loved Colton’s surprise when he finds Kady’s erotic romance novel and realizes that she might actually be good for him. I also liked that he realized he wanted something more before he got involved instead of just jumping right in without any care about how it would affect Kady. Also Colton was just really sweet with Kady, especially in the end. I adored the ending! I liked Kady’s sass and her tough nature and I loved that Colton recognized how awesome Kady was as a person and as a computer programmer.

This was just a novella so page time is limited, but I would have loved to see an interaction between Colton, Tyler, and Kady. After all, one of the reasons that Colton backed away from Kady was because she was his best friend’s little sister.