A review by chroniclesofabookreader
The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken


THE BACHELOR AUCTION is a Cinderella-inspired story that manages to capture the whimsical nature of a fairytale, the sweetness of love, and the RVD factor of added sexiness. While reading you'll find little references to the classic story, and it's both charming and fun to experience it in this loosely-based adaption. But most of all, RVD makes it hers in every way she can and it's an enjoyable story from beginning to end.

This is a feel-good romance with a man forced into an unforgiving situation and the sweet woman who unwittingly crosses his path. Brock and Jane, brought together by the inconsiderate and aggressive people in their lives, had a forbidden attraction that sparked instantly, but was entirely unwelcome. The push-pull between the two and their inner conflict was delicious and satisfying. And can I mention the evil sisters? So many slaps needed for them. But Brock's brothers, on the other hand, were a great addition to the tale (and I'm hoping their stories will be on their way soon!).

So much imagination and invention went into this story to make it a modern-day Cinderella love story, but with it's own twist. RVD crafted a charming tale of a prince-like man and his hired maid that was spicy and well-written. It was almost a bit too sweet and long-winded near the end, but the sweetness fits perfectly for the kind of read it is. There is no angst and a lot of that happy love feel. I read it quickly and voraciously as it was easy to get into and a pleasure to read. THE BACHELOR AUCTION is a beautiful read with such a fun, engaging storyline--it is not one to be missed!

**Received an early copy via the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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