A review by lauraew333
Telling the Bees by Peggy Hesketh


Telling the Bees was about the murder of Albert Honig's neighbors. They were known as the Bee Ladies and they had an interesting relationship/friendship with Albert. Albert is a bee keeper, following the footsteps of his parents and also getting The Bee Sister's hooked on bees as well.

This book, to say the least, was filled with many layers. You can read just on the surface and merely try to solve the murder case. Or you can delve deeper and untangle Albert's rambling about bees and his relationship with Claire, the younger of the Bee Sisters. Through these ramblings, he describes the things he has learned through a life with bees and the knowledge he hopes to pass onto others.

I really liked this book. It was thought-provoking and deep. Yes, the classic action-packed-fast-paced-story is a very good read but once and a while I like to slow down and really read a book. This was one of the perfect books for that task.

Five star book all around!