A review by stormnatreadseverything
Frontier by Grace Curtis


I’ll preface this with I didn’t finish the book, and maybe if I had I’d have a different opinion, but I got 60% of the way through and stopped there.

The writing style is good, but isn’t what I engage with easily. Some parts felt jagged, and like they didn’t flow well into the text around them. While this style doesn’t work for me, I know there are plenty of 5 star reviews who echoed the same but found it easier as the book went on, so I would still definitely recommend at least reading the first third, even if the writing style doesn’t immediately work for you.

The premise is excellent and the description definitely intrigued me - this read as a Wild West meets as Sci-Fi plot, and that’s right up my alley. While that may usually be the case, I think I found it difficult to engage with characters who were integral to the storyline, and found myself unable to get invested - this is probably a mix of the writing style not working for me, and feeling like I didn’t know *enough* about the MC and their goal to feel truly interested.

I can appreciate that this is a generally well-written book, and if you gel with the writing style, I can easily see this being a five star read - it just unfortunately wasn’t the case for me. HOWEVER - I’m definitely going to revisit this as a physical book once it’s been published, so my review may change in the future.

Initial read thanks to an e-book ARC requested from NetGalley.