A review by utopi6n
The Unconsoled by Kazuo Ishiguro


I was sure I would give this book 5 stars 30 pages in, but I expected it to give me some kind of closure in the end about everything that was going on and it didn’t (typical for Ishiguro) so I’m sticking to 4.75 

I can’t say that I didn’t love it tho. The story was so weird and dream like and immersive that I couldn’t put it down. Even though I’m lost as fuck as to what the point of it was, it was a delight to read. I felt like I was dreaming along with the protagonist.

Also the narration was like nothing I’ve read - so interesting!!! It went from him narrating his own thoughts to narrating other people’s thoughts even though he had no way of knowing them (and was also not at all influenced by them) very very seamless style I loved it