A review by nicki_j
Better Than Fiction by Alexa Martin


This novel had some promise (a begrudging bookstore owner and an author) but there were so many things that didn’t click.

1. Why did Jasper fall for Drew? Love at first sight? He seemed immediately extremely into her without really talking to her. Jasper was such a two-dimensional character.

2. I thought there would be some big showdown with the Dad with a satisfying ending but that just fizzled.

3. Why was Jasper angry at Colin? I was getting Pride and Prejudice vibes but really he was just nervous Colin was going to tell Drew he knew her grandmother? He acted like Colin did him wrong in some way.

4. Drew acting like she was completely alone in the world when she had the soulmate best friend that every rom com novel seems to have and a seemingly good/loving/supportive mother.

5. The grand gesture of using Drew’s photograph as the book cover. Not that grand. He was a bestselling author who had the power to choose any photo for his cover.