A review by see_sadie_read
Monster of the Week by F.T. Lukens


3.5, round up

spoiler ahead

I generally adore this series. I absolutely loved the first book. I can't say I loved this second one quite as much, but I did really enjoy it. I'll start with what I like. There is a lot of love here. Bridger has a wonderfully supportive crew and the theme of Found Family is a wonderful one. The cast of regular characters are quirky and fun and effortlessly diverse. And I really appreciated that Lukens allowed Bridger to cut the toxic family member from his life, rather than force an artificial reconciliation.

Things I didn't like as much was the plot dependance on the ambitious, 'evil professional woman.' It's more nuanced than that here, but it's still a pretty shitty trope that I hate. I thought things got a little didactic at times. And the focus of the book was less on the action and antics of the cryptic, here in Monster of the Week, and more on Bridger's school life. I preferred the former.

All in all, I can't wait for more of Lukens' work.