A review by meganw3
The Grand Ruin: Lance & Scarlet, Part One by J.C. Hawke


Firstly, let's start by saying this book has the perfect title as it has absolutely ruined me. I write this review with my cheeks still wet from tears. Once again J C Hawke has completely smashed it out of the park, and I do not know how I will wait for part 2.

The Grand Ruin is part one of Lance & Scarlett’s love story from a dual POV.

We learn bits and pieces about Lance and Scarlett in the previous 'Grand’ books, however this takes it to a new personal level.

Lance & Scarlett start off with a chance meeting when Scarlett is going to meet her brother for her birthday lunch of course nothing ever goes to plan, and drama ensues. Here we get grumpy Lance and feisty Scarlett.

Scarlett then discovers Lance works for her brother (Mason). After his grumpiness she decides she wants to play games and mess with Lance and along comes some great humor and sexual tension.

Skip forward Scarlett is then attending an event that Lance is going to and the vibe and pull between them is great.

As the story progresses Scarlett & Lance get to know more about each and their “interesting” family circumstances. Scarlett cares for her unwell father which is why she's almost a recluse, dropped out of uni and doesn’t really have any friends, after meeting Mason’s new girlfriend Nina she ends up with 3 new friends and Lance encourages her to live her life, be young, free and have fun. Upon pushing for this Lance helps to look after her dad.

Lance’s family circumstances aren’t great either but in an entirely different way, Lance’s mum and sisters treat him like a cash cow and when he cuts the money, the way they treat him is vile, Scarlett witness’ all of this and it of course makes her feeling towards Lance even stronger.

As they learn more and more about each other the sexual tension breaks and goodness me it is FIRERY HOT! The sex is just top tier.

Lance and Scarlett make a few mistakes along the way, some small and some very big.

The sex scenes are just phenomenal in this book.

Do they fall in love? That is the big question...I am of course not going to go into detail as this is a no spoiler review.

This book ends on a cliff hanger as there is a part two, do not let this put you off because the book is utter perfection, J C Hawke’s writing is just fantastic, she is one of the best authors I have ever read.

I will quote one line from the book here “I like to call them literary queens. The givers of the world, doing the lord’s work” what a quote because this is exactly what J C Hawke is.

I cannot explain enough how amazing this book is and the ones before it “Mason & Nina’s Story and Elliot & Lucy’s.”

Do not walk, RUN to get this book in paperback or on your kindle, I promise you will not regret it.

This is an absolute 5-star read with 5-star spice.

Dual POV

Brother Best Friend

Second Chance

Excuse me while I get over this book hangover.