A review by jennywjordan
Separation Anxiety by Laura Zigman


Judy is having a hard time coping. Living her life feel like the odd man out —— someone with a bird on her head —- she’s always struggled a bit both with who she is comfortable being and who she thinks the world wants her to be. As she’s gotten older and the March through life has taken its toll, the ability to bounce through has gone flat.

Judy’s story is a journey that rings true in so many places best evidenced by the marked passages in my edition. It highlights, sometimes humorously, the left behinds of the passage of time.

I liked the books. Some corners hit way to close to home while others where very foreign to my experience For me, these are markings of a good book. And while I applauded the honesty of Judy’s character in some sections I wanted to shake her and just say no one is looking at you and it’s not because of the bird on your head it’s because they are worried about the bird on their own head. Somewhere in time Judy became so self absorbed that she forgot to look outward.

In the end though the book is a nice story of finding your way in all your oddness to others who embrace your and their oddness and help you find a way in the world