A review by brinnet
Hot, Flat, and Crowded 2.0: Why We Need a Green Revolution--And How It Can Renew America by Thomas L. Friedman


A good book, although a bit dense. I really felt like I should have been taking notes on it, because there is so much information in it. The book is accessible, but definitely not a beach read. I took off a star because I felt like it was long-winded at times and repetitive.

But oh my goodness, this book will put honest to goodness fear in you and make you see what a glorious energy revolution we could be having. Hopeful and disappointing.

At this point the book is a few years old, so it is a little dated, but (unfortunately) not too much has changed since then.

Bottom line: Recommended, but there may be a newer book of equal quality out there. Otherwise, a safe pick for sure.