A review by hannahbaldwin
To Astera, With Love by Amanda Ross


I received this as an ARC from the author and I was more than excited to start reading, but the story fell flat for me.

One thing I particularly loved was the relationship between Mercury and Ellis. It felt raw and I could relate it to some of my own friendships. Sloane was also a striking character with her feisty personality and clear urgency to stand up for herself and her friends. She really stole the show for me.

The concept of Astera was fabulous and I would love to have been there for much longer. I felt the wonder of magic right through to the core of it. The approach to politics was also incredible and I felt it came through strongest in the news articles dotted about. I wish I could say more on that but spoilers.

Overall, I feel that this book has the potential to be so much more than it is. The plot could have been woven together with more intricacy and the dialogue could have been much less forced.

I wanted something brave and bold but sadly, this just didn't hit the mark.