A review by melissa_who_reads
When Did We Lose Harriet? by Patricia Sprinkle


I had never read the first book in this series, so I decided to go back and read it. I found it a bit annoying to read, actually -- I kept getting impatient with the plot. Although, I have to admit I liked the Bible verses at the top of each chapter: several were ones I hadn't encountered, and were extremely appropriate for the story. I liked the characters, and seeing them develop. Didn't totally love the jumps in narrative between MacLaren's point of view and Josheba's -- though I liked Josheba quite a bit, and wished she came into some of the later stories (and she may: I haven't read them all).

I didn't like that the title character died, although when a teenager gets lost for as long as she had been lost .... it's not a surprising outcome. But she was one of the more interesting Montgomery characters, and it seemed a shame.