A review by fairytale42
Greybrow Serpent by Shari L. Tapscott


While this book did set the plot off very well, I really think Lucia can be utterly daft. She makes a ton of impulsive decisions that end up creating a lot of confusion. Also, I appreciate the small details thrown in about Avery here - he actually is somewhat of a decent guy - but I'm still not satisfied with his explanation about him and Lucia. Their relationship is never clear; it's always very muddled and filled with descriptions of how pretty Avery is. While that's undoubtedly true, romance isn't built on that alone.

Again, like I said, the plot was excellent, even if the romance left me rolling my eyes (and also blushing a lot - this is still clean of course, but if you only like chaste kisses or whatnot, you might wanna skip this). Avery and Lucia have to atone for the orchids, keep the king off their trail, keep Sebastian and Adeline safe via a fake engagement, and find something even more rare than the orchids to keep the duke happy. It was definitely a fun adventure with some cool, magical moments.

I do want to read the next one to find out more about Avery, but this book firmly changed my mind about Lucia, so be forewarned.