A review by ablotial
I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum


I don't understand the title of this book. It doesn't seem to fit, to me. It's not as if either of them went off to find themselves or something. And the blurb called it 'funny' and ... I did not find a single funny thing about this book. Not one.

But, I seem to have highlighted 22 passages. So that's something. It's not a bad book. In some ways it was both the worst and best book I could have chosen right now. Sometimes the writing was great; other times it was too ... pompous, or something like that. Meh. I'm not a big fan of art books either -- not that this is really an art book, but like... [b:The Goldfinch|17333223|The Goldfinch|Donna Tartt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1378710146l/17333223._SY75_.jpg|24065147], [b:The Painter|18310201|The Painter|Peter Heller|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1409595558l/18310201._SX50_.jpg|25807269] .. Ok stories, but I was just not interested in the surrounding ambiance.

SpoilerAt the beginning of the book, I thought for sure it would not work out between them. The second half of the book was kind of an about face, and it felt too fast. And her sudden change of heart after seeing the video? It makes me sad that's all it took. He was trying so hard (too hard?) and she just wanted him to show some emotion, I guess? I felt bad for the poor kid being stuck in the hallway with the lights off.