A review by ladyfernzey
Siren's Secret by Debbie Herbert


(I deleted my profile for awhile so updating wth my reviews and reviews from my blog)

** Disclaimer – I was given a free copy of this book by the author in return for a honest review **

Before I begin I have two confessions: #1 is that I gave up on Harlequin/Mills & Boon many many years ago in my late teens donating my collection to charity. #2 is I cannot resist Mermaids in any shape or form. Come on girl's we’ve all pretended/wished to be one at some point in our lives.

That being said as soon as I looked at Siren's Secret before putting myself forward to review. I took one look at the cover and knew I was doomed. I mean who can resist such a beautiful cover. The fact that their was a serial killer and mermaids in one book was the final push of the hook. So I gave in and decided to ignore the fact that it was a Harlequin published book.

At first I found it hard to get into the book. This was not due to a fault on the author's part but my health fighting my need for good old book sustenance. However I did find myself wanting to read on and on more and more as I got through the book. I love the fact that the love and budding relationship between Shelly and Tillman did not overshadow the serial killer story line through the book. The two ran through from start to finish seamlessly and you did not feel short handed on either. The characters were all written so well that you could not help but feel like part of them. They were well fleshed out, interesting, relatable and more importantly realistic. There was never any doubt from who’s point of view you were seeing from, which is a bonus as sometimes you cannot distinguish who’s who and can be left feeling confused and disappointed. I went through many emotions along with the characters and because of them. The “Boatman” and being inside his head still gives me chills. I even really liked the supporting characters and I am glad to hear that Jet and Lilly will get their own story especially Jet she's such a strong, determined, fierce and interesting character. Hopefully letting us learn more of the Mermaid kingdom and their ways. They’re is many mermaid books out there now but few come with detail and brought to life feeling that Debbie has achieved. I also have to say Eddie by far touched my heart more than anyone such a sweet, beautiful character and an honest portrayal of his battle and those around him with Autism. I hate putting spoilers in reviews but I was so happy that it was Eddie that helped Tillman come to terms with Shelly's uniqueness and how he truly felt. Rebel should also get a mention trying not to spoil anything but I love this pooch and towards the end I was near tears over him.

I also love the fact every chapter starts with a little verse setting the scene and hinting as to what is to come. I loved this I was like a kid in a sweet shop every time I knew I was going to be starting a new chapter. Just because I knew I would be getting a new little verse.

There is a few sexy scenes, some really stomach turning gross moments and some strong language and themes in the book (sexual abuse) in the book. There is also a lot of suspense,mystery,romance,secrets and even a twist or two.

Now comes the hard bit and I have spent many hours trying to think of a score out of five for this book. I have found it extremely hard to rate this book not because I did not enjoy it. Simply because I didn’t love it as much as I wanted too or reserve higher stars for. It is a good book and definitely worth a read. I look forward to the next in the series but have to stay honest and however awkward it may be but I rate this book 3.9 stars out of 4. I don’t feel 3.5 would do it justice and I feel for me it's just that 0.1 off 4.