A review by katherineep
Going Home by Stacy Finz


I love a good small town romance and Stacy Finz's newest did not disappoint. I liked that this isn't one of those small town impossibly full of boutiques and fancy stores. Nugget is struggling to survive and beginning to figure out that they need to do something different to keep going. While both Maddy and Rhys are both interesting characters who make rational decisions but for the most part this reads more like a fiction. To me this wasn't a problem as I really enjoyed getting to know the characters and the town. I also liked the history aspect as Maddy tries to pull the history of the area including the Donnor Party into her Inn. I'm really looking forward to Clay's book!

Full Review: http://iwishilivedinalibrary.blogspot.com/2014/10/going-home-review.html