A review by meldav4
Suspects by Danielle Steel


This book had a very quick start. I felt like everything jumped in fast and a lot of info was provided right from the start, rather than being drawn out in the beginning the way some others have done. I found this book to be very different than Steel’s “usual” style. There was still the romance, the powerful characters, the talented writing; but this had more of a suspense style to it than previous works. It was good and I enjoyed it, but as a long time fan of this author, I prefer the style I am used to and the one I count on when I pick up one of her books. But I do not want to sway anyone to NOT read it, because it is a very good book. I just personally prefer what I am used to with her books. I am always in awe that one person can write as many books as she has and always have new topics to explore and create. She is such an extremely talented author and I always look forward to reading her books. I can absolutely picture this one being made into a movie, it would be fantastic. Fingers crossed!