A review by audlittlebookshelf
Restless Slumber by K.J. Sutton


World Building - none
Character Development - none
Plot - almost none

This book is just a series of side quests that do fully make sense or tie together. There is no through line or driving force. No questions from book 1 are answered and the potential I saw in that book, did not deliver. 

Fortuna is a narcissist with almost no impulse control and has not learned anything in two books.
Spoiler She is horrible to Collith throughout the series then all of a sudden is deeply in love with him. Then, goes full Bella Swan when he’s killed.

The bit at the end makes this book even worse. It doesn’t make sense and is thrown in for shock value.
Spoiler Seriously, you don’t subject your characters and readers to such sexual violence for no reason.