A review by lanica
Our Children Can Soar: A Celebration of Rosa, Barack, and the Pioneers of Change by Michelle Cook


SCHOOL LIBRARIAN REVIEW: This may be a perfect book! Each page has an African American from history beautifully illustrated by a different artist. A few words are placed on each page which leads tot the next page. "Martin marched...so that..." the next page picks up with another illustration and a person further along the timeline of African American history and what they did to lift up the person to follow them. Who follows Obama? Why, the children of today, of course. Such a feel good book! At the end of the book is a small biography of each of the people mentioned in the poem with dates and a quick overview of their accomplishments.

I used it in my library to support the teachers who had already introduced Biographies to the third graders. As I read the pages they were so excited by recognizing people they had already heard of and equally excited to hear about the people they hadn't. George Washington Carver was new to most of them, as was Ella Fitzgerald. The few who did recognize them as I was ready no felt super special, a proud moment for them.

I can see many other ways it can be used by teachers. And the kids now check it out constantly. Highly recommended for all libraries, and all levels. I believe it's a great book for even high school kids to see and read, even if it needs to be introduced as an 'art book'.