A review by linwendlandt11
Rules of Survival by Jus Accardo


I actually really enjoyed this book a lot! It was a quick page turner, I finished it in two days, and the action was almost non-stop which i really liked. It kept the plot flowing towards somewhere, and the mystery woven throughout was intriguing enough to keep me reading. The main characters are pretty well done and I actually really liked the main character. She had enough survival skills coupled with idiot teenage brain to make her believable and real. Also Shaun was great!

I thought it had a lot of great plot twists and a good final reveal. The author did a good job breaking down the barriers between the characters and especially Kayla coming to the realization that her mother wasn’t perfect and realizing things about herself. Yay for self-discovery and beginning of trauma healing!

The one thing that did really detract the book in my eyes was just how freaking often Kayla talked about how hot Shaun was. Like good lord. We get it, he’s hot. Can you stop talking about it now? I mean, it was pretty constant throughout the whole novel which kind of slightly got in my way of enjoying it. Like yeah, mention the guy is hot a couple times, but not constantly. It felt very YA or juvenile to me in that way. Another thing which might have just been me was I felt like the first half of the book felt pretty YA and then all of a sudden there was a shift and things got more New Adult, which is what I think the book is marketed as, but it was a bit jarring when all of the sudden the characters started swearing all the time when they weren’t in the beginning and then there were sex scenes. It just felt a little inconsistent with the tone in that way. Like if Shaun was gonna swear with f bombs a lot, like start with that from the beginning. But overall, neither of those things were too terrible, just a little irritation with it!

So I would def recommend this book and the romance was very very spicy and steamy and I had to fan myself often