A review by cmcwhite_357
Black Panther #2 by Ta-Nehisi Coates


Understanding leadership is the most important duty of any man after he learns THE most important characteristic: to think for ones self.

This is the thing lost to T'Challa that haunts him most now. In this episode the seminal ,moment comes when he goes alone to do battle and I'm the conflict recalls the words of S'Yan who said "...Power lies not in what a king does, but in what his subjects believe he might do." By showing your strength you also show your limitations and that too shows your weakness. This should be a lesson for all of us as we watch president l electioneering and world leaders flex on each other. It's not how loud one can be or how much might you wield. It's the ability fluency and draw men to your call without needing to show the size of your gun. In another book I'm reading called "This Savage Song" by Victoria Schwab the principal character speaks to this very simply "... She'd seen a documentary once, on cult leaders, and the traits that made them so effective. One of the most important features was a commanding presence. Too many people thought that meant being loud, but in truth, it meant someone who didn't need to be loud." I believe this is a lesson T'Challa will need to learn because his full frontal assault on his people isn't working. It's only pushing people further away.