A review by kaitrosereads
Shadow's Seduction by Kresley Cole


You would think that after 16 books, this series would start to seem repetitive and readers would start to lose interest in the characters but you would be so very wrong. I seem to get more invested in this series with every book that I read. I feel like I would willingly read 30+ more book set in this series because I just cannot get enough of these characters.

This truly is a character-driven series and Shadow's Seduction brings together two of my favorites, Caspion the Tracker and Prince Mirceo Daciano. I'm so happy Kresley Cole gave us the M/M romance we deserved between these two. I could not get behind Caspion and Bettina at any point and I wasn't sure I really liked him all that much reading her book but my feelings for him were completely different this time around. From the moment he and Mirceo met, I knew they were going to be perfect together. Admittedly, the trials they faced during their courtship annoyed me a little more than usual but I was still rooting for them on every page.

The only reason this one didn't get 5 stars from me is because of how abrupt the ending was. I felt like I was missing chapters because I really didn't think I'd reached the end. Talk about a cliffhanger. As I'm almost caught up with this series, I know I'm not going to get a resolution to that cliffhanger for a while and I'm so annoyed by that. I hate that these books don't seem to go in any semblance of order and the next book in the series won't address the cliffhanger ending of this one and who knows how long it will take before we get a resolution?

Overall, 16 books into this series and I'm still as hooked as I was at book 1, maybe even more so.