A review by kimmylovestoread
Caught Up in the Touch by Laura Trentham


I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Jessica comes to the town as a woman on a mission. The restaurant he has opened has become very successful and Logan has managed to get in the press a few times. Jessica's father wants Logan to work for them and it is her job to bring him on board.

Logan has come home and he loves his new life. His restaurant has become quite successful and he loves coaching football. He never really considers Jessica's offer and for that I really appreciated him. He could have made more money and been more successful, but it's not what he wanted.

Both Jessica and Logan are out to prove a point. Jessica is trying to prove to her father that she is capable of being a good CFO and Logan is trying to prove to the whole town that he is not the screw up everyone thinks he is. Somewhere along the way Logan and Jessica become friends and then much more than that. I think they both surprised each other when they realized the other was not what they thought they would be. While they may have not made great first impressions (I found their first meeting to be quite funny) on each other, they quickly realize that they are very compatible. Like really compatible. I loved both of them so I had my fingers crossed the whole time and would give a little fist pump/cheer when I like what happened.
“Thanks for dinner.” When he didn’t answer, she turned and walked toward the porch. He was at her side, his hands pushed deep into his pockets, his face serious. Their feet hit the steps in tandem. She’d never been walked to her door before. The gesture made her feel special.

A few slivers of moonlight broke under the dark portico. Did he feel the same electric longing shooting from her chest until she thought she might be electrocuted? So what if this attraction were ill-advised and ridiculous? She turned to face him.

Kiss me. The words threatened to explode from her like someone suffering from Turrets. Her tongue darted over her lips.

As if he was a mind reader, in a husky voice, he asked, “May I kiss you?”

She closed her eyes and reached out for him, feeling as if he’d offered her a Big Gulp after days of wandering the desert.

Based on his behavior all evening, she expected a gentlemanly kiss, a soft touch, like his kiss in the woods. Instead, he came in like a tornado, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against his body, chest to knees. Her back bowed over one of his arms, and his lips came down on hers with a rough edge and burning intent. Perhaps his intention was her surrender.

What he didn’t realize was that she had already admitted defeat. She wanted him. Not because of a job, not because of her father, or his father. Just…because.

One of his hands cupped her nape while the other supported her back. His tongue flicked at her lips, and she opened her mouth, tilting her head and grabbing his shoulders with both of her hands, clutching and pulling the soft cotton of his shirt.

The hand on her back moved lower, over her bottom, and he pushed his pelvis into hers. Something hard pressed against her belly. An erection. His erection. He wanted her too. She slid her tongue alongside his.

Her mind refused to be quieted. How long had it been since she’d allowed passion to wrest her control away? What would happen if she did? Would he hurt her? Would she hurt him?

Hush, her body hissed.

(Side note: I love when a guy asks the woman if he can kiss her...I don't know why. I just do. So well done Logan.)

Like in the first book, there is a secondary story line involving a member of the football team. Logan discovers that one of his players is taking a banned substance and that plays into the story of Logan wanting to prove that he isn't the screw up everyone thinks he is. Not that I have experience with this topic, but I thought the author handled it well. You see these types of stories in the news quite frequently and it's good to see it addressed in a book.

This book is a great addition to the series and I can't wait to read the next one. It's one of those love/hate relationships that I enjoy so much.