A review by story_sanctuary
The Beast by Brendan Reichs, Ally Condie


If you liked DARKDEEP, hang on, because THE BEAST packs even more of a suspenseful ride. I love the way the characters come together as a team, and the way they’re all different from each other. Emma is my favorite– her spunky, can’t-be-kept-down attitude would probably annoy me in a real life crisis, but she adds a lot of pizzazz to the story.

I think THE BEAST is a bit scarier than THE DARKDEEP. I think THE DARKDEEP was eerie and strange, but maybe because Nico and Opal were only just figuring out what was happening, it didn’t really ramp up in intensity until the end of the book. But with THE BEAST, Nico, Opal, Tyler, Emma, and Logan are already in trouble and desperately trying to get things under control.

This is definitely a quick read– because so much keeps you on the edge of your seat! It’s hard to find a place to drop a bookmark and stop. I think fans of THE DARKDEEP will really like this sequel and enjoy seeing where the series goes next. If you haven’t read THE DARKDEEP, you need to read it first before starting THE BEAST or you’ll have a hard time following the story.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.