A review by lolasreviews
The Dark Realm by Anthea Sharp


I got a copy for review in exchange for an honest review.

I wanted to read this book, because it sounded like an original story. It certainly was an original story and I really enjoyed it. The story really is the best thing about this book.

The story is really original and I liked how the game world en real world interacted. I am a gamer myself and I liked reading a book about it like this. The story is at first a bit confusing, because it is in the future and the author has made up a few words herself and at first it was a bit confusing because of all the new terms. The story was really good and fast paced.

The characters are interesting, but at first it seems a bit simple. Later on in the book we do learn more about both main characters. I think I still prefer it if we learn more about the characters, because we still get little information about them. We do see the story from two perspectives and this really adds some depth to the story.

I think the world building and game world building still lack a bit of depth. The story is really what is the strong point of this book. I do like the fact that the author made some words up, but this does make it a bit confusing at first. After the first few chapters I did get used to it. I liked how the author mixed fea lore with real life problems, although I would've liked a bit more depth.

To conclude: I liked the story and it was really original. The story is really good and fast paced. It was an interesting story and I enjoyed it. I would've preferred a bit more depth to the characters and world building. The first few chapters are a bit confusing due to the word the author made up, but I quickly got used to it.