A review by glo68
The Rake of Hearts by Emily Windsor


Wow, what a book! I looked forward to this new book by Emily Windsor, I had great expectations and I wasn’t disappointed AT ALL! In my opinion, she’s created a little masterpiece.
I must confess that I’ve always been partial to her writing, because I LOVED each and every one of her books. She has a knack for writing the most beautiful descriptions of places and people and she’s really outdone herself here. I usually skim over descriptions in a book, but in this case they’re an integral part to the story and they are never, NEVER boring. Indeed they’re veritable pieces of poetry. And the tales of local folklore of the English countryside are simply delightful, especially for a foreigner like me.
As for the characters, they’re wonderfully fleshed out. Ernest, whom we met in the previous book of the series in which he came across as a glib-tongued rake and an idler in stark contrast with his hard-working, serious brother, is revealed to be so much more than he seems. No spoilers, just read and see! And the same goes for Hebe, the cold beautiful widow he met and made a wager upon in the Duke of Diamonds. Needless to say, I loved both characters very much. I particularly enjoyed their banter at the beginning of the book and it was a pleasure to see their relationship grow gradually during the story.
But Emily did a wonderful job with the side characters as well. They’re well developed and not added as an afterthought as is often the case in romance books. Well, what else is there to say? If you love historical romance, you can’t do without this wonderful book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.