A review by whalien_reads
A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi


You can check out this review and more at The Wanderlust Reader!

4.5/5 STARS

A Crown of Wishes was just as, if not more, magical and enchanting as The Star-Touched Queen! Roshani just has this beautiful way with words that will make you fall in love with the story, as well as the characters, the second you lay your eyes upon it.

Even though this is the second book in the series, it’s more of a companion novel so you don’t necessarily need to read The Star-Touched Queen but it does help if you do. The book does follow a new set of characters, one of which is Maya’s sister. The story centers around Gauri, the Jewel of Bharata, who has been captured and imprisoned by her kingdom’s enemies. She knows what awaits her if she does not escape so when Vikram, the Fox Prince of Ujijain offers her a way out, she takes it. They join up to partake in the Tournament of Wishes, where the winner(s) get a wish. But first, they must complete two trials and a sacrifice. They may have different reasons for competing but they do have one thing in common: they both want freedom.

“In that moment, he looked like mischief and midnight, like a temptation that always slipped away too fast and left you at once relieved and disappointed.”

GAAAAHHHH. The characters were just so fantastic *cries*. We have Gauri who is fierce and strong and loyal and a total badass. She will move mountains to make sure that those she cares about are safe. While I love her for that, she does put herself in harm’s way on several occasions for the sake of others. And then we have the Fox Prince, Vikram. He wants people to see him for who he is and for them to acknowledge that he’s capable of so much more than just being a puppet that someone can manipulate. He’s so soft and caring and intelligent and hilarious. But what I loved most was the banter between the these two cinnamon rolls. Their constant sarcasm and deadpan humor was simply amazing and had me laughing out loud every single time.

It should go without saying that I teared up while reading, as per usual haha, but it wasn’t out of sadness or anger as it tends to be but rather, happiness. And it was the simplest and most minimalist sentences that had me bursting out in tears *cough look at the quote below cough*.

“I think I lived and died a hundred times in the time it took to walk to the private garden path”

I’ve said this a million times and I will continue to do so until it is no longer true, which will be never, but Roshani Chokshi’s writing is simply WHIMSICAL. Her story-telling is out of this world and her prose never fail to take my breath away.

“What was magic anyway, but the world beheld by someone who chose to see it differently?”

As you can probably gather from my mess of a review, I absolutely loved this book and I urge you to read this series because I don’t think my reviews do it justice. You really need to experience the magic for yourself.