A review by rkapil7
The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity by Amartya Sen


Pity those who never got to know about sensible right wing. Our nobel laureate goes on with his center-left position throughout the book, word 'hindutva' occurs at numerous places.
Lets start with secularism, his holiness enumerates many of Hindutva's problems with secularism, all fine but he completely misses the points discuss on what secularism should function like. Leave alone discussing about govt control of hindu temples, HE got a problem with Hindu right wing's patriarchal position w.r.t. Shah Bano but not with the Shah Bano case itself!
About Nuclearization - Again HE got a problem with right wing's philia with the bomb and he argues that the risk has increased because both the countries have nuclearized but he doesn't realize that there has always been a risk when you got a psycho neighbor. HE discusses India's passion for nuclearization made Pakistan also pursue the same path but would he care to discuss the possibility of Pakistan pursuing the path and reaching the goal before India?
About class - The same stupid arguments to reduce inequality without caring for equality of opportunity and shit loaded with intersectionality theme of social 'scientists'. How about shifting focus from inequality to poverty? As he is an 'economist' he could have delved into Economic reforms necessary to reduce poverty and SHOULD have tirated against leftist policies coming in a way to reduce poverty for decades. Oh well 'welfare economists' don't deal with this shit i guess?

In short this book be titled "Arguments against Hindutva from center-left POV" and not "Argumentative 'Indian'"