A review by schomj
Cedric J. Robinson: On Racial Capitalism, Black Internationalism, and Cultures of Resistance by Cedric J. Robinson


I've been wanting to read Robinson for a few years now but was never sure where to start. This looked appealing because it seemed like it would provide an overview of his thinking. I'm not sure how accurate that idea was since each chapter jumps into a specific topic with no real introduction or thematic line carrying through -- but in this year of 2020 during which it is a real struggle to focus on anything, having a bunch of fairly short chapters covering a variety of topics gave me the kind of "bite sized" introduction to his work that my brain needed. I am definitely going to explore more of his writing now that I've finished this. Brilliantly insightful and beautifully written.

in the construction of knowledge there is no beginning and no end; and bounded genealogies of thought can produce as much mischief as enlightenment." (p340)