A review by awilderm23
The White Book by Han Kang


‘Now and then the passage of time seems acutely apparent. Physical pain always sharpens the awareness... Even the smallest task is left suspended as I concentrate on simply enduring the pain, sensing time’s discrete drops as razor-sharp gemstones, grazing my fingertips. One deep breath drawn in and this moment of life takes shape as distinctly as a bead of blood.’

‘And she frequently forgot that her body (all our bodies) is a house of sand. That it had shattered and is shattering still. Slipping stubbornly though fingers.’

The story black writing through black paper page 119

‘Looking at herself in the mirror she never forgot that death was hovering behind that face. Faint yet tenacious, like black writing bleeding through thin paper.’

to the stillness page 123

‘Drink it like medicine or tea, our silence, dissolving into smoke in place of words.’