A review by daramillz
The Lightkeepers by Abby Geni


Maybe 3.5. I'm still digesting it. Really captivating depiction of the wildness of the Farallons, which I never knew existed before. I now know what a murre is, also. And I will never look at gulls the same way again. I appreciated the stark beauty of the book, and thought the nature writing was fantastic. Her description of the whales, in particular, struck me:

"The presence of these animals has unsettled me...They live in a realm of large, slow things---tides,storms, and magnetic currents. They often plunge into the inky depths of the oceans, down where sunlight fails. They inhabit a blue world, away from land, dipping from start to air and back again, sliding between darkness and glow. It is rare for them to come close enough to the coast to be seen by human eyes." (86)

However, I wasn't as invested in the characters as I was in the nature, and I wish we had seen more from Galen before the epilogue. Mick's death seemed abrupt and unnecessary (except perhaps to allow Miranda the freedom of maintaining the lie that the baby was his without having the responsibility of ever actually having to interact with him again, which feels callous). I wasn't satisfied with the ending, but still enjoyed it overall.