A review by alyram4
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera


Ok look hear me out... I actually didn't expect myself to like the book very much to begin with. I've heard all the hype, seen all the posts, and I still wasn't sure. When I got the ARC, I read the synopsis and I honestly didn't think this would be my type of book. I like the idea of it, but I wasn't sure if it would work out for me.

Spoiler alert: I ended up not liking it very much.

I tried hard to find enough of the positives to get me to enjoy it -and they're definitely there!- but there was too much glaring at me.

First off: This book has such a rough start I almost decided not to read it. I'm ok with rocky beginnings, but this was just a bit too jumbled up where I almost said "nah fuck it I'm not reading this". I kept going though and it got better! I began to get into it at around Chapter 3, so it wasn't too bad. What sucks is that after the first third it all goes downhill again. Things move too fast or too slow, plot points are tossed into the wind, characters make decisions that make no sense, and we get more info about the world without truly understanding it.

There is SO LITTLE I know about this world, its history, and how all the current events and groups come into play. We get little understanding of how all the powers work, so for the entire book you're just winging it and hoping you're getting the basic idea. Also, there's supposed to be this super historic event that occured in the past called Blackout but... I don't know what the heck that is? It's mentioned, sure, but you don't get a good understanding of what happened and the effect it has now. It was brushed away like a speck of dust.

I could keep going, but I'll just leave it as is. I came in knowing that this may not be a fit for me and I was right. Other people may love this, as it is with any other book. With all the hype this has been receiving though, i honestly did expect a bit more "WOW". I didn't get any of that, and I feel pretty empty after reading this.

ARC provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.