A review by gorecki
Days Without End by Sebastian Barry


Some time ago I realised that I’ve stopped feeling swept away by books. I'd noticed that no matter how much I liked a book, I almost never felt dizzy with wonder or book-hungover or whatever it is you call that feeling you have when you read a story and can’t get over it. I was afraid I might have lost my interest in books in general, or might have pushed it too far and read too much too soon (is that even possible?). Went out of order. But then I read Days Without End by Sebastian Barry and it hit home so hard, I was left there breathing heavily, wanting the book to never end, simulating fating in front of my friends (literally.)
Barry guides us through the world of a man fighting in the American Indian Wars in the 1840s and 1850s. I loved how he used raw, mid-19th century American language to introduce a person who does not use big words, who is not very educated or well-read, but who nevertheless possesses an exceptional emotional intelligence and brightness of mind, with thoughts and observations so stark they make you shiver. The richness of his emotions, of his attachment and feelings for John Cole bring tears. His simple wish for a quiet and happy life next the ones he loves was both soothing and heart-wrenching.
This book is easily my favourite read for 2017. I will probably not be able to stop thinking about it for quite a while.