A review by nunib28
I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga


Wow! The book was on point. I mean the sociopathy and emotions were all over the place in a very good way. I've always loved a good murder /serial-killer /sociopathic books. This one is the best so far.

Jasper(Jazz) character was fascinating. The struggles he faced in the book mentally. I mean being raised by a serial-killer messes up with your mind!

Connie. Jazz's girlfriend was a great character too ,a strong and confident girl ,even though I felt that she wasn't mentioned enough but she and Howie were Jazz's rock. Howie Jazz's fragile friend who was there with him through everything literally.

What I liked about these two characters that they never judge Jazz by his father's actions and they didn't run away from him which tells a lot about them since his father is serial killer.

It's thrilling and very well written. I highly recommend this for all the fans of a good thriller ,crime and sociopathic books.