A review by amia
Millersville by Brendan Detzner


Disclaimer: I was very fortunate to receive an ARC (advance readers copy) and all that was requested of me was an honest review.

This is the second book (the first being Beasts which I loved) I have read by Brendan Detzner and I must say that there is as much difference in these two books as day and night. This man is versatile beyond anything I could have imagined. So, if you read and didn't care for Beasts you should not make a decision about reading Millersville based on your reaction to Beasts.

First don't be afraid to read this because of spoilers. My reviews are always based on how I like or dislike the book and why not a book report that is just a summary of the book. I don't like to read any details about a book I am going to read so that's how I write them.

Now to my review of Millersville: The main characters in Millersville were well rounded and I felt like I was right there with them through much of the book. Three of them I admired very much. Their stresses and fears made my heart pound and their moments of happiness and triumphs sometimes made me cry. This story could be true and someday may be. I hope not but I am a realist so I know that bad things do happen and the series of events in Millersville seem extremely possible and flow in a way that I could see as almost inevitable. On the other hand, a few things occurred that completely and totally shocked me to my core (they could still, very easily, happen). All together a great read and I hope that you will enjoy it as much it as I did.