A review by kitvaria_sarene
Priestess of the White by Trudi Canavan


This one... I read it rather a short time after the Magicians Guild books - and so it took me a bit by surprise how different it was.
While the first series is published as YA (here in Germany), the second series definitely is not. There is a bit of a love plot and some sex scenes in it - and of course the main protagonists are older.
After I got used to the change - I did definitely enjoy the book, though it didn't completely blow me away. I liked the main character and definitely wanted to spend some more time with her in this new world. The pace was fast again, and the prose fluent as with her other books, but the story lacked a bit for me. I would have liked it a bit more - complex maybe? Can't really put my finger on it. As I was still very well entertained all the way through, I will go with 4 stars.