A review by alceriniel
The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict


I am an avid lover of historical fiction, and have been building a library of books about amazing women for my daughter to read once she is old enough to enjoy them (View tag Here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/78020791-katherine-copas?shelf=for-my-daughter)

This book, was incredibly tough to read, not because it was badly written, it was beautifully written. But because it is so easy to believe that it was historical fact and not fiction. The story told is that of many women through the ages: brilliant and full of promise, only to be drug down by their husbands and cast into their shadows. These stories hurt because they are so believable.

This book, tore at my heart. The journey of Mitza was heart wrenching and it is always hard to see a woman with so much promise and skill be torn down over time by a male who is - lets face it - lauded in history when it is known that he did not posses the actual ability to perform the mathematical calculations for the majority of the research that is credited to him.

To surmise my opinion of this book, there will never be a portrait of Einstein in my home after reading this book. Fiction or not.