A review by teaandlibri
The Lost for Words Bookshop by Stephanie Butland


A book about books and bookshops. Recommended for those who love 'The Storied Life of AJ Fikry'. A reader who prefers the company of books over people. It seemed like the book that would be perfect for me.

Unfortunately, it was not to be. We are introduced to Loveday Cardew, the reader who loves books more than people and has been working in a bookshop for many years. What follows is the story of someone running away from the past only for it to catch up and how she chooses to move forward and onward.

The book was incredibly boring. There are flips in time from present to the past and that gets on my nerves. Loveday is not particularly likeable (which isn't a problem in itself) and so it made it hard to want to root for her. Much of the plot about a troubled childhood, a bad ex, etc. all seemed pretty cliched' and tired.

As pointed out by several other reviewers, the book appears to perpetuate the concept that mentally ill people are violent which is not cool.

I'm glad this became available in the US (for awhile I thought I'd have to buy it from a UK shop) and was at my library. Recommend borrowing it if you're *really* interested but otherwise I'd skip it. 'Fikry' is a much better book about books and readers.