A review by jsmithborne
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest by Ellen Datlow


Holling and Jaden brought this home from McKays a while back. Jaden read it about 3 times, I've read most of the stories, but most amazing, Holling has been reading it. He even asked if I could recommend some other fantasy books like the stories. I gave him [b:Od Magic|19823|Od Magic|Patricia A. McKillip|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1309197018s/19823.jpg|21023] by [a:Patricia A. McKillip|25|Patricia A. McKillip|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1220752490p2/25.jpg]--I think he started reading it but I don't think he got very far. Still, pretty impressive for the Green Man, to get Holling reading fantasy at all!