A review by suze_1624
A Matter of Time Vol 1, by Mary Calmes


This is one of those conundrum books - do I love it or dislike it? Still not sure after reading!!
It certainly engages and I found myself whizzing through, maybe because of the short choppy conversations.
The story is told by Jory so everything is from his pov. He is a contradiction in that he presents as a dizzy, party boy but in actuality holds down a complex job. He is clever but does act TSTL (no safety after the murder, leaving hospital).
Sam comes over as an aggressive overbearing boor. He is going through a crisis in his being so some leeway given but then he really digs into his old ways, p-ing off Jory which is never pretty
Dane is also an enigma, another gruff boorish character, rude to most but seems to have a soft spot for Jory.
Does end mid story so definitely not one to be read without have book 2 lined up