A review by danir
Introducing Evolution: A Graphic Guide by Howard Selina, Dylan Evans


Read this in one sitting the first time I read it (in Dublin, where I first came across these little books).

I now have about six from this series, and have parked them on a shelf in the downstairs loo. It makes a cold place much more inviting! I found I understood this book much better by reading it slowly, a few pages at a time (the pages are tiny and mostly pictures, so there is only a sentence or two on each page).

In fact, the funny thing about this series is that I am not sure it’s accurate to call them ‘an introduction to’ a topic. So far, I’ve found that they help to make sense of complex topics that I already know a bit about. I think if I knew absolutely nothing to start with, it wouldn’t be enough - but then, I’ve always been more of a words than pictures person. The combination of words and pictures works really well though.

I think I’ll read the Critical Theory one next, but from what I remember, that one is more tough-going :)