A review by lizzuplans
Hating Thy Neighbor: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romantic Comedy by Marion De Ré


An entertaining read, but I did not really connect with the story or the main characters. 

Charlotte has rich parents and Ian moves into her apartment building to try and get close to her to get to her parents to find evidence of them embezzling a lot of money.

While I did enjoy the FBI agent angle, I just wish it would have been more spy-like. Plus I just could not really understand how Charlotte could just easily forgive Ian for all his deceiving. (OK it was part of her shedding her former identity but still.)
Ian’s personal motivations were both strong but also felt a bit much. 

Ian’s ahem communication style while trying to get under Charlotte’s skin and get her riled up was not too my taste at all. Immediately making suggestive and sexual comments when you know each other for basically an hour, would have resulted me in dumping Ian on the side of the road, even though he sounds like hunky man I would not mind hiking with!

3.5 stars rounded down. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions.