A review by meimear
Die Doomsday-Maschine by Derek Landy


Ahhhhhhhhh what a cute little book! I've been having SERIOUS El Skulduggo withdrawal symptoms what with all this spx going on, but I can't reread them yet because I legit just did that in Summer.

This book was gift. I haven't read any of the little extra books yet, and now is the PERFECT time. This little story is just hilarious. I was rolling around on the floor with tears streaming down my face. It's not even supposed to be funny, which is why I love Derek's style of humour. I think it's just distinctly Irish and in tune with my own.

The banter was witty, the plot was fast and fun, and the actual basis of the story was VERY clever.

It was also fascinating to read the "what could have been" scenes. I am fascinated by the writing process, and the extra scenes at the end show how some plots just don't work.

Anyway, long review for short book. I'll provably read the Tanith one and then Armeggedon Outta Here. Woohoo!