A review by read_cc_read
The Girl Who Reads on the Métro by Christine Féret-Fleury


I bought this book because I loved the title and the synopsis sounded so interesting. There were some awesome life-quotes sprinkled throughout but overall this book missed the mark entirely for me. It was just so BORING.
I do wonder if my short attention span was really due to the dullness of the book or if perhaps some things were lost in its translation from French to English.

I want to learn more about this secret society of book exchangers. Where did the author come up with that? Is it real? How do I join??? I feel like there was an entire plot line missing in regards to who/how/what exactly this system is.

I identified with the main character a lot. She is in her mid 20's, feeling directionless career-wise and down on her luck with romance. I share her passion for reading and the urge to share her favorite books with the world. I think the rest of the characters felt really impersonal, almost like not fully developed.
I loved the book list at the end that contains all of the books referenced throughout the novel, plus a few more that the main character supposedly is taking in her library bus to ride around Europe and distribute them. I recognized a few titles but certainly not all, and I am sorry to say I will not be looking into them because if they are anything like this book I know I will not enjoy them!